
Pediatric Eye Exams

According to experts, 80% of learning is visual, which means that if your child is having difficulty seeing clearly, his or her learning can be affected. This also goes for infants who develop and learn about the world around them through their sense of sight. To ensure that your children have the visual resources they need to grow and develop normally, their eyes and vision should be checked by an eye doctor at certain stages of their development.

First Eye Exam: Before age 3

Infant and toddler eye exams are much quicker and easier than you might think! By utilizing pediatric vision assessment techniques, specialized tests and skills, and dilating eye drops, it is possible to get a very good idea of stereovision, acuity, a refractive error, muscle alignment and vision health with very little required from the child. We have many treats and stickers to encourage them and distract them if they get bored or anxious! Dr. Mindi Kavanaugh has specialized in pediatrics since she started practicing in 2000, and did two externship rotations with pediatric ophthalmologist Dr. Kathryn Musgrove with Houston Eye Associates in Houston, Texas. We welcome your little one and look forward to getting him/her on the road to healthy eyes, good vision, and success in school!

Eye Exams in Preschool Children: 4-5

The preschool age is a period where children experience drastic growth in intellectual and motor skills. During this time they will develop the fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination and perceptual abilities that will prepare them to read and write, play sports and participate in creative activities such as drawing, sculpting or building. This is all dependent upon good vision and visual processes.

This is the age when parents should be on the lookout for signs of lazy eye (amblyopia) – when one eye doesn’t see clearly, or crossed eyes (strabismus) – when one or both eyes turn inward or outward. The earlier these conditions are treated, the higher the success rate.

Parents should also be aware of any developmental delays having to do with an object, number or letter recognition, color recognition or coordination, as the root of such problems can often be visual. If you notice your child squinting, rubbing his eyes frequently, sitting very close to the tv or reading material, or generally avoiding activities such as puzzles or coloring, it is worth a trip to the eye doctor.

Eye Exams in School-Aged Children: Ages 6-18

Undetected or uncorrected vision problems can cause children and teens to suffer academically, socially, athletically and personally. If your child is having trouble in school or afterschool activities, there could be an underlying vision problem. Proper learning, motor development, reading, and many other skills are dependent upon not only a good vision, but also the ability of your eyes to work together. Children that have problems with focusing, reading, teaming their eyes or hand-eye coordination will often experience frustration and may exhibit behavioral problems as well. Often they don’t know that the vision they are experiencing is abnormal, so they aren’t able to express that they need help.

In addition to the symptoms written above, signs of vision problems in older children include:

  • Short attention span
  • Headaches
  • Frequent blinking
  • Avoiding reading
  • Tilting the head to one side
  • Losing their place often while reading
  • Double vision
  • Poor reading comprehension
The Eye Exam

In addition to basic visual acuity (distance and near vision) an eye exam may assess the following visual skills that are required for learning and mobility:

  • Binocular vision: how eyes work together as a team
  • Focusing
  • Peripheral Vision
  • Color Vision
  • Hand-eye Coordination
  • Tracking

The doctor will also examine the area around the eye and inside the eye to check for any eye diseases or health conditions. You should tell the doctor any relevant personal history of your children such as a premature birth, developmental delays, family history of eye problems, eye injuries or medications the child is taking. This would also be the time to address any concerns or issues your child has that might indicate a vision problem.

If the eye doctor does determine that your child has a vision problem, they may discuss a number of therapeutic options such as eyeglasses or contact lenses, or an eye patch, depending on the condition. Since some conditions are much easier to treat when they are caught early while the eyes are still developing, it is important to diagnose any eye and vision issues as early as possible.

Following the guidelines for children’s eye exams and staying alert to any signs of vision problems can help your child to reach his or her potential.

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  • First Eye Exam: Before age 3

    Infant and toddler eye exams are much quicker and easier than you might think! By utilizing pediatric vision assessment techniquest, specialized tests and skiills, and dilating eye drops, it is possible to get a very good idea of stereovision, acuity, a refractive error, muscle alignment and vision health with very little required from the child. We have many treats and stickers to encourage them and distract them if they get bored or anxious! Dr, Mindi Kavanaugh has specialized in pediatrics since she started practicing in 2000, and did two externship rotations with pediatric ophthalmololgist Dr Kathryn Musgrove with Houston Eye Associates in Houston, Texas. We welcome your little one and look forward to getting him/her on the road to healthy eyes, good vision, and success in school!

  • Eye Exams in Preschool Children: 4-5

    The preschool age is a period where children experience drastic growth in intellectual and motor skills. During this time they will develop the fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination and perceptual abilities that will prepare them to read and write, play sports and participate in creative activities such as drawing, sculpting or building. This is all dependent upon good vision and visual processes. This is the age when parents should be on the lookout for signs of lazy eye (amblyopia) - when one eye doesn’t see clearly, or crossed eyes (strabismus) - when one or both eyes turn inward or outward. The earlier these conditions are treated, the higher the success rate. Parents should also be aware of any developmental delays having to do with an object, number or letter recognition, color recognition or coordination, as the root of such problems can often be visual. If you notice your child squinting, rubbing his eyes frequently, sitting very close to the tv or reading material, or generally avoiding activities such as puzzles or coloring, it is worth a trip to the eye doctor.

  • Eye Exams in School-Aged Children: Ages 6-18

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Optio, neque qui velit. Magni dolorum quidem ipsam eligendi, totam, facilis laudantium cum accusamus ullam voluptatibus commodi numquam, error, est. Ea, consequatur.

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    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. eligendi, totam, facilis laudantium cum accusamus ullam voluptatibus commodi numquam, error, est. Ea, consequatur.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

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  • platea dictumst
  • Euismod quis
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Optio, neque qui velit.

Magni dolorum quidem ipsam eligendi, totam, facilis laudantium cum accusamus ullam voluptatibus commodi numquam, error, est. Ea, consequatur.

Accordion Tab Title 2 Maecenas sed enim ut sem viverra aliquet eget sit. Est ultricies integer quis auctor elit sed vulputate.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Optio, neque qui velit. Magni dolorum quidem ipsam eligendi, totam, facilis laudantium cum accusamus ullam voluptatibus commodi numquam, error, est. Ea, consequatur.


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